AN ACT CONCERNING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF AUTHORIZING AND EMPOWERING PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MARYLAND TO ISSUE AND SELL AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FIVE HUNDRED FORTY-EIGHT MILLION ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($548,118,000) IN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF GENERAL OBLIGATION AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BONDS for the purpose of providing funds for financing in whole or in part costs of the planning, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, establishment, extension, enlargement, demolition, or improvement of certain capital projects and capital projects constituting facilities (including without limitation any land, interest in land or equipment) for the control and disposition of storm and surface waters, including floodproofing, flood control or navigation programs and other stormwater programs and systems, environmental restoration and/or wetlands construction, and the protection, conservation, creation and acquisition of certain property described in the Maryland Annotated Code Environment Article consistent with federal and Maryland laws and regulations on the subject of nontidal and private wetlands, as applicable, including describing the capital projects to be financed in whole or in part from the proceeds of the bonds hereby authorized and the estimated costs thereof; or purchase of certain capital projects set forth in the capital budget of the County for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, or usable portions thereof, including describing the capital projects to be financed in whole or in part from the proceeds of the bonds hereby authorized and the estimated costs and the probable useful lives thereof; prescribing or providing for the procedures for the issuance and sale of such bonds at private (negotiated) sale or public sale; declaring the County’s official intent to reimburse itself for certain expenditures paid before the issuance of the bonds authorized hereby in...
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