AN ACT CONCERNING PARKING REGULATIONS for the purpose of prohibiting parking in front of mailboxes in the County and providing for exemptions; and generally relating to parking regulations.
Various residential communities throughout the County have had problems with residents parking in front of their mailboxes and blocking the mail deliverer from delivering the mail. The United States Postal Service (USPS) Domestic Mail Manual Section 508.3.1.4 requires that customers must keep the approach to their mailboxes clear of obstructions to allow safe access for delivery. If USPS employees are impeded in reaching a mail receptacle, the postmaster may withdraw delivery service. The proposed legislation would prohibit a person from parking a vehicle in front of a mailbox in the County except on Sundays or Federal holidays and there is an exemption for property owners, renters and individuals receiving permission to park in front of the property owner or renter's mailbox. A violation of the parking restriction would be subject to a fine of Fifty Dollars ($50) for each offense pursuant to Sec. 26-127.04(e).