AN ACT CONCERNING THE DRUG ENFORCEMENT AND EDUCATION SPECIAL REVENUE FUND for the purpose of clarifying the appropriation of 65% of the Drug Enforcement and Education Special Revenue fund and providing that a certain portion of the monies in the Drug Enforcement and Education Special Revenue Fund shall be appropriated to the Office of the Sheriff for certain purposes.
Confidential: No
Requested by: Calvin Hawkins
Assigned to:Leroy Maddox
Legislastion Type: Bill
Need by Date: As soon as possible
Background Necessitating Legislation:
Whereas Section 10-261 of the county code codifies the drug enforcement and education special revenue fund. Whereas the county code outlines specific agencies that may receive monies from the fund, and the percentage of funds the agency may receive. Whereas the Office of the Sheriff remains the only agency listed to have stipulations for the amount of funds they may request/receive. Therefore, this bill serves for the purpose of clarifying the appropriation of 65% of the Drug Enforcement and Education Special Revenue fund and providing that a certain portion of the monies in the Drug Enforcement and Education Special Revenue Fund shall be appropriated to the Office of the Sheriff for certain purposes.
Special Instructions/Concerns/Time Critical Information:
Draft bill is attached via email.
Agencies or Individuals to Contact:
1. State’s Attorney’s Office
2. Health Department
3. Department of Corrections
4. Office of the Sheriff
Proposer(s): Council Member Hawkins
Section 10-261 of the county code codifies the drug enforcement and education special revenue fund. The county code outlines specific agencies that may receive monies from the fund, and the percentage of funds the agency may receive. The Office of the Sheriff remains the only agency listed to have stipulations for the...
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