A RESOLUTION CONCERNING ADJUSTMENTS TO APPROVED POSITION GRADES for the purpose of adjusting the number of positions in certain grades in the Office of Information Technology, Office of Law, Circuit Court, Police Department, Fire/EMS Department, Office of Homeland Security, Department of Environment, Department of Permitting, Licensing and Enforcement, Department of Social Services, and the Health Department.
This Resolution amends the Position by Grade Attachment (Attachments A) to Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance of Prince George’s County for FY 2025 (CB-45-2024). The resolution amends the authorized staffing count and/or grade classification of positions in 10 agencies. The agencies include the Office of Information Technology, Office of Law, Circuit Court, Police Department, Fire/EMS Department, Office of Homeland Security, Department of Environment, Department of Permitting, Licensing and Enforcement, Department of Social Services, and the Health Department.