An Act concerning Supplementary Appropriations in the Approved Fiscal Year 2013 Capital Budget for the purpose of providing supplementary appropriations to the Fire Station Roof Renovations, Curb and Road Rehabilitation 2, Traffic Congestion Improvements 2, and Street Tree Removal and Replacement capital projects; decreasing appropriations to the Contingency Appropriation Fund and the Oxon Hill Fire/EMS Station #821; and amending the Approved Fiscal Year 2013-2018 Capital Improvement Program with regard to expenditures and financing beyond the budget year
An Act concerning Supplementary Appropriations in the Approved Fiscal Year 2013 Capital Budget for the purpose of providing supplementary appropriations to the Fire Station Roof Renovations, Curb and Road Rehabilitation 2, Traffic Congestion Improvements 2, and Street Tree Removal and Replacement capital projects; decreasing appropriations to the Contingency Appropriation Fund and the Oxon Hill Fire/EMS Station #821; and amending the Approved Fiscal Year 2013-2018 Capital Improvement Program with regard to expenditures and financing beyond the budget year
This bill adds additional appropriations to four (4) capital projects in the approved Fiscal Year 2013 Capital Budget. The first project is the Fire Station Roof Renovations to replace the roof at the Glenn Dale Fire Station. Funds in the amount of $350,000.00 will come from bonds that are programmed to be sold in Fiscal Year 2013 for the Oxon Hill Fire/EMS Station #821 capital project. The remaining $300,000.00 will come from additional bonds to be sold in Fiscal Year 2013. The second project is the Curb and Road Rehabilitation 2. Funds for this project will come from completed capital projects that have available balances. The third project is the Traffic Congestion Improvements 2. Additional funds will come from WSSC and developer contributions. The fourth project is the Street Tree Removal and Replacement. Funds will come from the Woodland Conservation Fund for street tree planting.