A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE 2008 WATER AND SEWER PLAN (DECEMBER 2015 CYCLE OF AMENDMENTS) for the purpose of changing the water and sewer category designations of properties within the 2008 Water and Sewer Plan.
The 2008 Water and Sewer Plan provides for three cycles of category change requests annually to amend the Plan. This Resolution represents the December 2015 Cycle of Amendments.
The 2008 Water and Sewer Plan was adopted by CR-91-2008, and amended by CR-17-2009, CR-52-2009, CR-5-2010, CR-19-2010, CR-82-2010, CR-20-2011, CR-4-2012, CR-19-2012, CR-27-2012, CR-71-2012, CR-20-2013, CR-50-2013, CR-92-2013, CR-11-2014, CR-57-2014, CR-16-2015 and CR-45-2015. The December 2015 Cycle contains four (4) requests for a category change.
One category change request is in the Western Branch sewer basin; two are in the Piscataway sewer basin; and one is in the Mattawoman sewer basin.
Additionally, the Department of the Environment (DoE) has requested to amend certain subdivided residential lots to reflect public water and sewer service designations and to remove septic system symbols from corresponding water and sewer maps. These amendment requests are located within Councilmanic Districts 4, 6, 8 and 9.
Environment Article, Title 9, Subtitle 5, of the Maryland Annotated Code, sets forth the procedures for amendments and revisions to the Plan. At least thirty (30) days prior to the public hearing on the amendments, the County Council must submit to the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission and Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission a copy of the resolution for their recommendations.