Executive Order No. 7-2012 (Reorganization Proposal) relating to the Fire Commission
Code sections:
CHARTER-1106 - Charter Review.
Executive Order No. 7-2012 (Reorganization Proposal) relating to the Fire Commission
This Bill is an Executive Order and will provide that, effective May 1, 2012, the Fire Commission is composed of nine residents of the County, appointed as provided in Section 504 of the County Charter. It will further provide that members of the Fire Commission serving as of May 1, 2012 may serve until their successors are appointed and have qualified.
On February 24, 2012, the County Executive transmitted Executive Order No. 7-2012 proposing a Reorganization of the Fire Commission. Pursuant to Charter Section 503, this Reorganization will become effective on April 24, 2012 unless disapproved by a majority vote of the full Council prior to that date.