A RESOLUTION CONCERNING HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONSOLIDATED PLAN: FISCAL YEAR 2016 - 2020 for the purpose of approving and adopting the Prince George's County Fiscal Year ("FY") 2016 - 2020 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development.
This Resolution will approve and adopt the Prince George's County Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 - 2020 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Community Planning and Development, requires Prince George's County, as a recipient of federal entitlement grant funds, to develop a Consolidated Plan every five years to outline and identify the County's goals for the use of the funds. The County is the recipient of funds under four federal entitlement programs: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA).