A RESOLUTION CONCERNING COMPREHENSIVE HOUSING STRATEGY AD HOC SUBCOMMITTEE for the purpose of establishing a Comprehensive Housing Strategy Ad Hoc Subcommittee to develop a Comprehensive Housing Strategy for Prince George's County.
Prince George’s County has a diverse and growing population with diverse housing needs. A Comprehensive Housing Policy is needed that reflects current and future housing needs, considers regional realities, existing strategies and local challenges and informs parties of housing development decision-making processes. A special ad hoc subcommittee is created to guide this effort and build consensus among Council Members. The Comprehensive Housing Strategy Ad Hoc Subcommittee shall be comprised of five members: the Chair and one member of the Transportation, Housing, and Environment Committee, the Chair and one member of the Planning, Zoning and Economic Development Committee, and the Chair of the Prince George's County Council. Chairs of the respective committees shall serve as co-chairs of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee.