MIN 03022021
| 1 | | Minutes | County Council Minutes dated March 2, 2021. | approved | |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS-ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIFIC SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS-ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ANALYSIS for the purpose of requiring an Environmental Justice Analysis for approval of Special Exceptions for Class 3 fill and Sanitary landfill/rubble fill uses in Prince George’s County. | presented and referred | |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ACT CONCERNING PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY RE-ENTRY EMPLOYMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM for the purpose of establishing an incentive program to encourage employers to hire Prince George’s County residents who are returning from incarceration and related requirements. | presented and referred | |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ACT CONCERNING BUILDING CODE OF PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY for the purpose of updating the provisions of the Building Code of Prince George’s County (the “County”) to conform to the 2017 editions of the National Electrical Code. | presented and referred | |
Action details
LTR 03092021a
| 1 | | Agenda Letter | Proposed letter to the Honorable Joanne C. Benson, Chair, Prince George's County Senate Delegation and the Honorable Erek L. Barron, Chair, Prince George's County House Delegation transmitting the position of the Prince George's County Council on proposed State legislation. | authorized for Chair's signature | Pass |
Action details
LTR 03092021b
| 1 | | Agenda Letter | Proposed letter to the Honorable Joanne C. Benson, Chair, Prince George's County Senate Delegation and the Honorable Erek L. Barron, Chair, Prince George's County House Delegation expressing the Prince George's County Council’s support for strong Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) provisions in House Bill 940 and all Sports Wagering and Fantasy Gaming Legislation. | authorized for Chair's signature | Pass |
Action details
LTR 03092021c
| 1 | | Agenda Letter | Proposed joint signature letter to Paul C. Smedberg, Chair, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) expressing the position of Prince George's County on their Proposed Fiscal Year 2022 Budget and Service Proposal. | authorized for Chair's signature | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Council Bill | AN ACT CONCERNING HOUSING INVESTMENT TRUST FUND-SUSTAINABLE SOURCE OF FUNDING for the purpose of establishing a sustainable source of funding for the Housing Investment Trust Fund by reallocating a certain percentage of the County’s recordation taxes to provide support for the fund; requiring certain financing for the fund; permitting the County Council to reduce the percentage dedicated to the Housing Investment Trust Fund when there is a declared national recession; requiring an annual report; and generally relating to the Housing Investment Trust Fund. | introduced | |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ACT CONCERNING BUILDING -- AMENDMENTS TO THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE - PERMITS for the purpose of making a further local amendment to the International Building Code for permits relating to historic sites, unclassified historic resources, or property located in a historic district. | introduced | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | A RESOLUTION CONCERNING CONTRACT APPROVALS for the purpose of approving a multi-year financing agreement to fund a portion of the new inpatient and ambulatory behavioral health facility at Doctors’ Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Luminis Health Doctors Community Medical Center (“Doctors Hospital”) to be located in Lanham, Maryland (the “Community Behavioral Health Center”), to provide behavioral health services to the residents of Prince George’s County (the “County”). | public hearing held | |
Action details
BR 03092021
Artis Hampshire-Cowan
Principal & Founder
Leverage Leadership Group | Briefing held | |
Action details
Not available
EX 03022021
| 1 | | Executive Session | Motion to convene in Executive Session pursuant to Section 3-305(b)(1), (7) and (8), General Provisions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, in order to discuss the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation, or performance evaluation of an appointee, employee, or official over whom it has jurisdiction and to discuss and consider pending or potential litigation and to consult with counsel to seek legal advice. | Summary | |
Action details
Not available