MIN 03272018
| 1 | | Minutes | County Council Minutes dated March 27, 2018. | approved | |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING SHORT-TERM RENTALS for the purpose of adding and defining the term Short-Term Rentals and its permitted uses in the Zoning Ordinance; and generally regarding Short-Term Rentals. | presented and referred | |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ACT CONCERNING SHORT-TERM RENTALS for the purpose of establishing permitting and licensing requirements, fees and applicable standards for short-term rentals and generally related to short-term rentals. | presented and referred | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE WASHINGTON SUBURBAN SANITARY COMMISSION FISCAL YEARS 2018-2023 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM FOR PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY FOR WATER AND SEWERAGE for the purpose of amending the WSSC Fiscal Years 2018-2023 Capital Improvements Program for Water and Sewerage to include the Marlboro Meadows Community System (S-123.26). | public hearing held | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE WASHINGTON SUBURBAN SANITARY COMMISSION FISCAL YEARS 2018-2023 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM FOR PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY FOR WATER AND SEWERAGE for the purpose of amending the WSSC Fiscal Years 2018-2023 Capital Improvements Program for Water and Sewerage to include the Marlboro Meadows Community System (S-123.26). | adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Appointment | Appointment of the following individuals to the Commission for Individuals with Disabilites for Prince George's County:
Ms. Veronica Davila -Steele
Appointment/Consumer Member
Term Expiration: 7/1/2019
Mr. Maher Kharma
Appointment/Agency Member
Term Expiration: 7/1/2019
Mr. Raymond M. Raysor
Appointment/Consumer Member
Term Expiration: 7/1/2020
Ms. Marja L. Reed
Appointment/Agency Member
Term Expiration: 7/1/2021
Ms. Lynda S. Taylor
Appointment/Consumer Member
Term Expiration: 7/1/2020
Mr. Eugene "Tony" Langbehn
Reappointment/Consumer Member
Term Expiration: 7/1/2019
Mr. Raymond C. Smith
Reappointment/Consumer Member
Term Expiration: 7/1/2019
Rev. Gloria Swieringa
Reappointment/Consumer Member
Term Expiration: 7/1/2021
Ms. Andrea F. Toney-Thomas, Esq.
Reappointment/Public Member
Term Expiration: 7/1/2020 | confirmed | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE 2006 EAST GLENN DALE AREA SECTOR PLAN AND SECTIONAL MAP AMENDMENT for the purpose of approving a minor amendment to the land use and development policy recommendations for a character area known as ‘The Area Between Prospect Hill Road and Daisy Lane’ within the 2006 East Glenn Dale Area Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment. | introduced | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE 2006 EAST GLENN DALE AREA SECTOR PLAN AND SECTIONAL MAP AMENDMENT for the purpose of approving a minor amendment to the land use and development policy recommendations for a character area known as ‘The Area Between Prospect Hill Road and Daisy Lane’ within the 2006 East Glenn Dale Area Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment. | rules suspended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE 2006 EAST GLENN DALE AREA SECTOR PLAN AND SECTIONAL MAP AMENDMENT for the purpose of approving a minor amendment to the land use and development policy recommendations for a character area known as ‘The Area Between Prospect Hill Road and Daisy Lane’ within the 2006 East Glenn Dale Area Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment. | adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | A RESOLUTION CONCERNING FIRST AND MAIN BLUEPRINT for the purpose of expressing policy support by the Prince George’s County Council for the First and Main Coalition’s full Blueprint of strategies in order to protect, improve, and create federal programs that provide necessary resources that promote the prosperity of our communities in Prince George’s County. | introduced | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | A RESOLUTION CONCERNING FIRST AND MAIN BLUEPRINT for the purpose of expressing policy support by the Prince George’s County Council for the First and Main Coalition’s full Blueprint of strategies in order to protect, improve, and create federal programs that provide necessary resources that promote the prosperity of our communities in Prince George’s County. | rules suspended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | A RESOLUTION CONCERNING FIRST AND MAIN BLUEPRINT for the purpose of expressing policy support by the Prince George’s County Council for the First and Main Coalition’s full Blueprint of strategies in order to protect, improve, and create federal programs that provide necessary resources that promote the prosperity of our communities in Prince George’s County. | adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | A RESOLUTION HONORING THE LEGACY OF REVEREND DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.for the purpose of honoring the legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the context of Prince George’s County’s continuing dedication to equality and diversity. | introduced | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | A RESOLUTION HONORING THE LEGACY OF REVEREND DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.for the purpose of honoring the legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the context of Prince George’s County’s continuing dedication to equality and diversity. | rules suspended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | A RESOLUTION HONORING THE LEGACY OF REVEREND DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.for the purpose of honoring the legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the context of Prince George’s County’s continuing dedication to equality and diversity. | adopted | Pass |
Action details
LTR 04032018
| 1 | | Agenda Letter | Proposed letter to the Honorable Jim Rosapepe, Chair, Prince George's County Senate Delegation and the Honorable Jay Walker, Chair, Prince George's County House Delegation transmitting the position of the Prince George's County Council on proposed State legislation. | authorized for Chair's signature | Pass |
Action details