| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING PERFORMANCE ARTS REHEARSAL STUDIOS - I-1 ZONE for the purpose of providing a definition for a new Performance Arts Rehearsal Studio use in the Zoning Ordinance; permitting the use on land classified within the I-1 (Light Industrial) Zone under certain circumstances; and providing regulations for certain minimum off-street parking requirements applicable to Performance Arts Rehearsal Studio uses in Prince George's County. | Favorably recommended with amendments | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING C-O ZONE for the purpose of permitting consolidated storage uses in the C-O (Commercial Office) Zones of Prince George's County, under certain circumstances. | Held in Committee | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING M-I-O, I-1, AND I-2 ZONES for the purpose of permitting gas station and food or beverage store uses within the M-I-O (Military Installation Overlay), I-1 (Light Industrial), and I-2 (Heavy Industrial) Zones, under certain circumstances. | Favorably recommended with amendments | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE R-55 ZONE for the purpose of amending the development regulations in the Zoning Ordinance for the R-55 (One-Family Detached Residential) Zone to provide a maximum number of bathrooms permitted for residential structures. | removed from agenda | |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING ISSUANCE OF GRADING, BUILDING, AND USE AND OCCUPANCY PERMITS for the purpose of clarifying the authority of the Director of the Department of Permitting, Inspections, and Enforcement to issue grading, building, and use and occupancy permits. | Favorably recommended with amendments | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING M-U-TC ZONE for the purpose of amending the permissible requirements for approval of a M-U-TC (Mixed-Use Town Center) Zone, Mixed Use Town Center Development Plans, primary amendments to M-U-TC Zones, and secondary amendments to M-U-TC Development Plans in Prince George’s County, Maryland. | Favorably recommended with amendments | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING R-R (RURAL RESIDENTIAL) ZONE for the purpose of permitting townhouses in the R-R Zone, under certain circumstances. | Favorably recommended with amendments | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING ZONING PROCEDURES--NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS -- ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS for the purpose of imposing a new electronic notice requirement for certain applications authorized in the Zoning Ordinance for administrative review and disposition by the Planning Board, Planning Director, or respective authorized representative. | Favorably recommended with amendments | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING M-X-T ZONE for the purpose of permitting vehicle or camping trailer rental uses in the M-X-T (Mixed Use - Transportation Oriented) Zone, under certain circumstances. | Favorably recommended with amendments | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING I-1 ZONE for the purpose of permitting certain residential development in the I-1 (Light Industrial) Zone, under certain specified circumstances. | Favorably recommended with amendments | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING VALIDITY PERIODS for Detailed Site Plans and Specific Design Plans for the purpose of temporarily extending the validity periods of all approved applications for Detailed Site Plans and Specific Design Plans that were in a valid status as of January 1, 2017. | Favorably recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Council Bill | (SUBDIVISION BILL) - AN ACT CONCERNING VALIDITY PERIODS FOR PRELIMINARY PLANS of Subdivision for the purpose of temporarily extending the validity periods of all approved applications for Preliminary Plans of Subdivision that were in a valid status as of January 1, 2017. | Favorably recommended | Pass |
Action details