| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING FENCES AND WALLS - PROHIBITED MATERIALS - EXCEPTIONS in furtherance of the public safety, health, and welfare of the County, a limited exception to the prohibited use of barbed wire or razor wire on fences and walls for regulated public utilities. | presented and referred | |
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| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ACT CONCERNING HOTEL AND MOTEL TAX for the purpose of clarifying that the full amount of the consideration paid to a room remarketer through an internet transaction is subject to the County's hotel tax. | presented and referred | |
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| 1 | | Resolution | A RESOLUTION CONCERNING MARYLAND-NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION for the purpose of transferring certain appropriations and expenditures between certain programs in the FY 2014-15 Operating Budget for the Recreation Fund. | introduced and referred | |
Action details
LTR 02032015
| 1 | | Agenda Letter | Proposed letter to the Honorable Douglas J.J. Peters, Chair, Prince George's County State Delegation and the Honorable Jay Walker, Chair, Prince George's County House Delegation transmitting the County's position on proposed State legislation. | authorized for Chair's signature | Pass |
Action details