| 1 | | Council Bill | Executive Order No. 7-2012 (Reorganization Proposal) relating to the Fire Commission | Favorably recommended | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | Council Bill | SUBDIVISION BILL concerning Adequate Public Pedestrian and Bikeway Facilities in Centers and Corridors For the purpose of requiring the Planning Board to make a finding of adequacy of public Pedestrian and Bikeway Facilities for development proposals within County Centers and Corridors, to include standards for ensuring the adequacy of non-motorized multimodal transportation facilities including sidewalks, bikeways, and pathways, clarifying requirements for adequate roads by implementing “complete streets” principles and policies in the 2009 Approved Countywide Master Plan of Transportation , and providing that these provisions shall be prospectively applied. | ENACTED | Pass |
Action details
Not available