Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: County Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/18/2025 11:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Hearing Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Reference No.Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
MIN 03112025 1 MinutesCounty Council Minutes dated March 11, 2025   Not available Video Video
CB-020-2025 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING FIRE SAFETY for the purpose of amending the Prince George’s County Fire Safety Code and Specific Civil Penalties to increase the fire inspection fees and civil monetary fine and amend language generally relating to Fire Safety.   Not available Video Video
CB-021-2025 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY for the purpose of amending certain class titles and grades, adding new classes of work and abolishing certain classes of work.   Not available Video Video
CR-022-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE MORATORIUM FOR MARYLAND’S FEDERAL EMPLOYEES for the purpose of urging the Governor to impose a Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium for Maryland’s Federal Employees; and generally regarding a residential mortgage foreclosure moratorium.   Not available Video Video
CR-023-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE ENACTMENT OF CERTAIN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOWIE for the purpose of approving the enactment of Ordinance O-1-25 amending Chapter 26 of the Code of the City of Bowie, concerning municipal zoning authority.   Not available Video Video
CR-024-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING CONTRACT APPROVALS for the purpose of approving a multi-year contract to procure light and heavy-duty vehicle tire, tubes and repair services.   Not available Video Video
CR-025-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING DESIGNATION-MARYLAND TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT SITE- SEABROOK MARC STATION for the purpose of expressing support for the designation of the Seabrook MARC Station and its surrounding area as a Maryland Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) site.   Not available Video Video
CR-026-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY IMPACT ON FEDERAL WORKERS TASK FORCE for the purpose of establishing a task force focused on staying informed and providing recommendations as needed to the various Federal Executive Orders and how they would impact Prince George’s County’s Federal workers, to include contractors and consultants who work with federal agencies.   Not available Video Video
CR-027-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING HOUSING INVESTMENT TRUST FUND (“HITF”) FOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT for the purpose of committing and allocating the amount of two million, five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) in Prince George’s County Housing Investment Trust Fund (“HITF”) Program funds to the New Carrollton - Affordable - Phase 1 project, an eligible activity, for gap financing of new affordable rental housing construction.   Not available Video Video
CR-028-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES (“PILOT”) AGREEMENT FOR THE NEW CARROLLTON - AFFORDABLE - PHASE 1 PROJECT for the purpose of approving the terms and conditions of a Payments in Lieu of Taxes (“PILOT”) Agreement between Prince George’s County, Maryland (the “County”) and New Carrollton Affordable Senior I, LLC (the “Owner”).   Not available Video Video
CR-029-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING HOUSING INVESTMENT TRUST FUND (“HITF”) FOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT for the purpose of committing and allocating the amount of two million, five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) in Prince George’s County Housing Investment Trust Fund (“HITF”) Program funds to the New Carrollton - Affordable - Phase 2 project, an eligible activity, for gap financing of new affordable rental housing construction.   Not available Video Video
CR-030-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES (“PILOT”) AGREEMENT FOR THE NEW CARROLLTON - AFFORDABLE - PHASE 2 PROJECT for the purpose of approving the terms and conditions of a Payments in Lieu of Taxes (“PILOT”) Agreement between Prince George’s County, Maryland (the “County”) and New Carrollton Affordable Multifamily II, LLC (the “Owner”).   Not available Video Video
CR-031-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING HOUSING INVESTMENT TRUST FUND (“HITF”) FOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT for the purpose of committing and allocating the amount of one million, nine hundred thousand dollars ($1,900,000) in Prince George’s County Housing Investment Trust Fund (“HITF”) Program funds to the Park Place at Addison Road Metro project, an eligible activity, for gap financing of new affordable rental housing construction.   Not available Video Video
CR-032-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING FISCAL YEAR (“FY”) 2026 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT for the purpose of approving and adopting the Prince George’s County Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2026 Annual Action Plan for Housing and Community Development (“FY 2026 Annual Action Plan”).   Not available Video Video
CR-033-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING FISCAL YEAR (“FY”) 2026 - 2030 ANALYSIS OF IMPEDIMENTS TO FAIR HOUSING CHOICE FOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT for the purpose of approving and adopting the Prince George’s County Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2026 - 2030 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice for Housing and Community Development (the “Analysis of Impediments”).   Not available Video Video
CR-034-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING FISCAL YEAR (“FY”) 2026 - 2030 CONSOLIDATED PLAN FOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT for the purpose of approving and adopting the Prince George’s County Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2026 - 2030 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development (the “Consolidated Plan”).   Not available Video Video
CR-035-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING HOUSING INVESTMENT TRUST FUND (“HITF”) FOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT for the purpose of committing and allocating the amount of two million, five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) in Prince George’s County Housing Investment Trust Fund (“HITF”) Program funds to the Penn Place I project, an eligible activity, for gap financing of new affordable rental housing construction.   Not available Video Video
CR-036-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES (“PILOT”) AGREEMENT FOR THE PENN PLACE I PROJECT for the purpose of approving the terms and conditions of a Payments in Lieu of Taxes (“PILOT”) Agreement between Prince George’s County, Maryland (the “County”) and Penn Place I Owner, LLC (the “Owner”).   Not available Video Video
CR-037-2025 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE 2018 WATER AND SEWER PLAN (DECEMBER 2024 CYCLE OF AMENDMENTS) for the purpose of changing the water and sewer category designations of properties within the 2018 Water and Sewer Plan.   Not available Video Video
LTR 03182025 1 Agenda LetterProposed letter to the Honorable Michael A. Jackson, Chair, Prince George’s County Senate Delegation, and the Honorable Nicole Williams, Chair, Prince George’s County House Delegation, transmitting the position of the Prince George's County Council on proposed State legislation.   Not available Video Video
CB-002-2025 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING WATERCRAFT PARKED ON COUNTY ROADS for the purpose of prohibiting the parking of watercraft on public streets, roads, highways, and rights of way within the County; to establish fines and penalties for parking a personally-owned watercraft on public streets, roads, highways, and rights of way in the County; to permit the towing and impounding of any personally-owned watercraft after a certain number of violations; and generally relating to the prohibition of parking a personally-owned watercraft on public streets, roads, highways, and rights-of-way in Prince George’s County.   Not available Video Video
CB-002-2025 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING WATERCRAFT PARKED ON COUNTY ROADS for the purpose of prohibiting the parking of watercraft on public streets, roads, highways, and rights of way within the County; to establish fines and penalties for parking a personally-owned watercraft on public streets, roads, highways, and rights of way in the County; to permit the towing and impounding of any personally-owned watercraft after a certain number of violations; and generally relating to the prohibition of parking a personally-owned watercraft on public streets, roads, highways, and rights-of-way in Prince George’s County.   Not available Video Video
CB-007-2025 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING COUNTY EMPLOYEE ACCESS TO IN VITRO FERTILIZATION AND EGG FREEZING FERTILITY COVERAGE for the purpose of requiring that any health insurer contracted to offer health insurance plans to county employees include health insurance plans which will feature and have IVF and Egg Freezing fertility coverage as an offered part of health insurance.   Not available Video Video
CB-014-2025 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT - INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, AFL-CIO, LOCAL 1619 (FIRE FIGHTERS, PARAMEDICS AND FIRE FIGHTER/MEDICS) for the purpose of amending the labor agreement by and between Prince George’s County, Maryland and the International Association of Fire Fighters, AFL-CIO, Local 1619 (Fire Fighters, Paramedics and Fire Fighter/Medics), to provide for wages and certain other terms and conditions of employment for personnel classifications initially certified by the Prince George’s County Public Employee Relations Board or as amended by the Office of Human Resources Management.   Not available Video Video
CB-001-2025 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING 2025-2026 COMPENSATION REVIEW COMMISSION for the purpose of establishing a Compensation Review Commission to study the rate of current compensation and allowances for Council members and compensation for the County Executive and making recommendations regarding the amount of compensation in accordance with state and local laws, and generally relating to the Compensation Review Commission.   Not available Video Video
CB-001-2025 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING 2025-2026 COMPENSATION REVIEW COMMISSION for the purpose of establishing a Compensation Review Commission to study the rate of current compensation and allowances for Council members and compensation for the County Executive and making recommendations regarding the amount of compensation in accordance with state and local laws, and generally relating to the Compensation Review Commission.   Not available Video Video
EX 03182025 1 Executive SessionMotion to convene in executive session in order to discuss the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation, or performance evaluation of an appointee, employee, or official over whom it has jurisdiction, and to consult with counsel to seek legal advice and to discuss pending or potential litigation in accordance with section 3-305(b)(1, 7, 8), General Provisions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland-more specifically, to review the February 19, 2025, determination of the County Board of Ethics; and to be briefed by counsel as to, and to discuss, the status of cases in the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County, Maryland, the Appellate Court of Maryland, and the Supreme Court of Maryland, to maintain confidentiality regarding the current status of ongoing litigation and as to the Council’s position on pending litigation.   Not available Video Video

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