Meeting Name: County Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/22/2024 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Hearing Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Reference No.Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
MIN 10152024 1 MinutesCounty Council Minutes dated October 15, 2024approved  Action details Video Video
LTR 10222024a 1 Agenda LetterProposed Letter to the Honorable Angela D. Alsobrooks, County Executive, transmitting the County Council's appointments to the Prince George’s County Cannabis Reinvestment and Restoration Board.authorized for Chair's signaturePass Action details Video Video
LTR 10222024b 1 Agenda LetterProposed Letter to the Honorable William Ferguson IV, Senate President, and the Honorable Adrienne A. Jones, Speaker of the House of Delegates, regarding Support for Maryland Railway Safety Act.authorized for Chair's signaturePass Action details Video Video
LTR 10222024c 1 Agenda LetterProposed joint signature letter to Mr. Paul J. Wiedefeld, Secretary, Maryland Department of Transportation regarding 2024 Projects List for the Fiscal Years (FY) 2025-2030 State Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP).referred  Action details Video Video
APPT-21-24 1 AppointmentAppointment of the following individuals to the Commission for Veterans: Ms. LaShonda C. Henderson Appointment: Women Veterans Replacing: Vacant Term Expiration: 10/28/27 Mr. Gregory W. Jackson, MPA Appointment: Marine Corps Replacing: Gerald D. George Term Expiration: 10/28/2026 Mr. Michael L. Riddick Reappointment: Public Term Expiration: 10/28/2027public hearing held  Action details Video Video
APPT-21-24 1 AppointmentAppointment of the following individuals to the Commission for Veterans: Ms. LaShonda C. Henderson Appointment: Women Veterans Replacing: Vacant Term Expiration: 10/28/27 Mr. Gregory W. Jackson, MPA Appointment: Marine Corps Replacing: Gerald D. George Term Expiration: 10/28/2026 Mr. Michael L. Riddick Reappointment: Public Term Expiration: 10/28/2027confirmedPass Action details Video Video
APPT-22-24 1 AppointmentAppointments of the following individuals to the Solid Waste Advisory Commission: Mr. David Brosch Reappointment Term Expiration: 11/5/2027 Mr. Mouhaman S. Kola Reappointment Term Expiration: 11/5/2026 Mr. Jonathan P. Madagu Reappointment Term Expiration: 11/5/2026 Ms. Nancy J. Meyer Reappointment Term Expiration: 11/5/2026 Ms. Barbara T. Sollner-Webb Reappointment Term Expiration: 11/5/2027public hearing held  Action details Video Video
APPT-22-24 1 AppointmentAppointments of the following individuals to the Solid Waste Advisory Commission: Mr. David Brosch Reappointment Term Expiration: 11/5/2027 Mr. Mouhaman S. Kola Reappointment Term Expiration: 11/5/2026 Mr. Jonathan P. Madagu Reappointment Term Expiration: 11/5/2026 Ms. Nancy J. Meyer Reappointment Term Expiration: 11/5/2026 Ms. Barbara T. Sollner-Webb Reappointment Term Expiration: 11/5/2027confirmedPass Action details Video Video
BR 10222024 1 BriefingCOUNCIL MEMBER WORKGROUP UPDATES COG Transportation Planning Board (Council Member Olson)Briefing held  Action details Video Video
LTR 10222024c 1 Agenda LetterProposed joint signature letter to Mr. Paul J. Wiedefeld, Secretary, Maryland Department of Transportation regarding 2024 Projects List for the Fiscal Years (FY) 2025-2030 State Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP).authorized for Chair's signaturePass Action details Video Video
CB-076-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING TRANSPARENCY IN LAW ENFORCEMENT ACCOUNTABILITY for the purpose of delineating the current practices and understandings utilized to implement Section 2-537 and to ensure a consistent interpretation and clarifying that the law applies to both on-duty and off-duty conduct, aligning with the law enforcement general order.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-085-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR HOUSING - REVISIONS for the purpose of adding and revising certain definitions; providing for certain exemptions; requiring certain alarms; regarding the potential waiver of certain requirements by the Director of the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement in certain instances; requiring a certain form for the application for certain waiver exemptions; assessing a certain administrative fee in an amount per each waiver per each dwelling unit in a residential development project at the time of building permit for the cost of the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement’s processing and review of the Universal Design for Housing waiver provision as prescribed in the Table of Fees; imposing penalties for non-compliance of certain violations of the Universal Design for Housing law; providing for a certain appeal from a certain waiver denial; and generally regarding Universal Design elements for certain newly constructed residential housing dwelling units.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-099-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY for the purpose of amending the County Code to separate the budgeting and personnel functions of the Redevelopment Authority from the Department of Housing and Community Development, and clarifying personnel provisions pertaining to employees of the Redevelopment Authority.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-100-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY for the purpose of amending the County Code to separate the budgeting and personnel functions of the Housing Authority for Prince George’s County from the Department of Housing and Community Development and clarifying personnel provisions pertaining to employees of the Housing Authority.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-101-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT - COUNCIL 3, AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES (AFSCME), AFL-CIO, AND ITS AFFILIATED LOCALS 2462, 2735, 3389 AND 1170 for the purpose of approving the labor agreement by and between Prince George’s County, Maryland and Council 3, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), AFL-CIO, and its affiliated Locals 2462, 2735, 3389 and 1170 to provide for wages and certain other terms and conditions of employment for personnel classifications certified by the Prince George’s County Public Employee Relations Board and as amended by the Office of Human Resources Management from time to time.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-102-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT - DEPUTY SHERIFF’S ASSOCIATION OF PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, INC. (CIVILIAN UNITS) for the purpose of approving the labor agreement by and between Prince George's County, Maryland and the Deputy Sheriff’s Association of Prince George's County, Inc. (Civilian Units), to provide for wages and certain other terms and conditions of employment for personnel classifications certified by the Prince George's County Public Employee Relations Board.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-104-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT - COUNCIL 3, AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES (AFSCME), AFL-CIO, AND ITS AFFILIATED LOCAL 241 (SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS) for the purpose of amending the labor agreement by and between Prince George's County, Maryland and Council 3, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), AFL-CIO, and its affiliated Local 241 to provide for wages and certain other terms and conditions of employment for personnel classifications certified by the Prince George's County Public Employee Relations Board or as amended by the Office of Human Resources Management from time to time.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-107-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING LANDLORD-TENANT - EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLANS - AGE RESTRICTED SENIOR HOUSING for the purpose of amending provisions of the Prince George’s County Code requiring landlords to provide for emergency evacuation plans for age restricted senior housing; providing for compliance with certain codes; providing for the posting of the emergency evacuation plans in certain areas; providing for the placement of the emergency evacuation plans on-line; providing for the optional placement of a certain stickers on units identifying persons with physical disabilities; and generally regarding emergency evacuation plans in age restricted housing.amendedPass Action details Video Video
CB-107-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING LANDLORD-TENANT - EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLANS - AGE RESTRICTED SENIOR HOUSING for the purpose of amending provisions of the Prince George’s County Code requiring landlords to provide for emergency evacuation plans for age restricted senior housing; providing for compliance with certain codes; providing for the posting of the emergency evacuation plans in certain areas; providing for the placement of the emergency evacuation plans on-line; providing for the optional placement of a certain stickers on units identifying persons with physical disabilities; and generally regarding emergency evacuation plans in age restricted housing.introduced and referred  Action details Video Video
CB-108-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AND GENERAL OBLIGATION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BONDS for the purpose of authorizing and empowering Prince George’s County, Maryland to issue and sell an amount not to exceed seven hundred three million fifty-five thousand dollars ($703,055,000) in aggregate principal amount of general obligation bonds and one hundred three million two hundred ninety-one thousand dollars ($103,291,000) in aggregate principal amount of general obligation stormwater management bonds for the purpose of providing funds for financing in whole or in part costs of the planning, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, establishment, extension, enlargement, demolition, or improvement of certain capital projects and stormwater projects, respectively, set forth in the capital budget of the County for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025; describing the projects or usable parts to be financed in whole or in part from the proceeds of the bonds hereby authorized and the estimated costs thereof and the probable useful lives thereof; prescribing or rules suspendedPass Action details Video Video
CB-108-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AND GENERAL OBLIGATION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BONDS for the purpose of authorizing and empowering Prince George’s County, Maryland to issue and sell an amount not to exceed seven hundred three million fifty-five thousand dollars ($703,055,000) in aggregate principal amount of general obligation bonds and one hundred three million two hundred ninety-one thousand dollars ($103,291,000) in aggregate principal amount of general obligation stormwater management bonds for the purpose of providing funds for financing in whole or in part costs of the planning, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, establishment, extension, enlargement, demolition, or improvement of certain capital projects and stormwater projects, respectively, set forth in the capital budget of the County for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025; describing the projects or usable parts to be financed in whole or in part from the proceeds of the bonds hereby authorized and the estimated costs thereof and the probable useful lives thereof; prescribing or introduced and referred  Action details Video Video
CB-110-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING AN EXCISE TAX ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS for the purpose of imposing an excise tax on telecommunications services in Prince George’s County.presented and referred  Action details Video Video
CR-095-2024 1 ResolutionA RESOLUTION CONCERNING A PUBLIC SCHOOL CELL PHONE BAN for the purpose of encouraging the Prince George’s County Public School System to institute procedures to ban cell phone use by children in the public schools during school hours.introduced and referred  Action details Video Video
CB-006-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY RE-ENTRY EMPLOYMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM for the purpose of expanding the Re-Entry Employment Incentive Program to County government agencies; providing for regulations and qualifications to the Re-Entry Employment Incentive Program for County agencies; establishing the Re-Entry Employment Incentive Program Fund; requiring a minimum annual appropriation; ; providing an exception to the hiring preference requirement; requiring reporting requirements; and generally relating to re-entry hiring.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-016-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING LATE-NIGHT BUSINESS SAFETY PLAN for the purpose of requiring certain businesses that operate between 12:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. to obtain a late-night safety plan from the Prince George’s County Police Department; that requires the business to obtain an approved late-night safety plan before operating; that the business must operate under the terms of the approved late-night safety plan; that an approved late-night safety plan authorizes the business to operate for three (3) years; that at the expiration of the three (3) period the business will need to obtain a new approved late-night safety plan; and that businesses operating without an approved late-night safety plan are subject in a civil fine for each day it operates without an approved late-night safety plan.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-030-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING UNTRACEABLE FIREARMS AND MINORS for the purpose of prohibiting the transfer of untraceable firearms to minors; and increasing the maximum penalty for each violation; and other general provisions related to untraceable firearms.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-046-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING REFUSE COLLECTION - CONTAINERS [LOCKS] for the purpose of [providing that every approved commercially available type of container, including dumpsters, shall have a lock to secure the trash and control any overflow before it is properly dumped, pursuant to the terms of this Subdivision;] providing for the storage of refuse, complaints, and fines; and generally regarding refuse.amended (1)Pass Action details Video Video
CB-046-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING REFUSE COLLECTION - CONTAINERS [LOCKS] for the purpose of [providing that every approved commercially available type of container, including dumpsters, shall have a lock to secure the trash and control any overflow before it is properly dumped, pursuant to the terms of this Subdivision;] providing for the storage of refuse, complaints, and fines; and generally regarding refuse.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-060-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING PREFERENCES FOR COUNTY-BASED SMALL BUSINESS, COUNTY-BASED BUSINESS, COUNTY-BASED MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AND COUNTY-LOCATED BUSINESS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES AS APPLICABLE TO THE EXEMPTIONS OF SECTION 10A-108(A) for the purpose of allowing products, goods, and services that are subject to exemptions found in Section 10A-108(a) to be a part of open competition in the Prince George’s County’s procurement process.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-064-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR THE MILL BRANCH CROSSING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT for the purpose of providing that special obligation tax increment financing bonds may be issued from time to time under the provisions of this Act and Sections 12-201 through 12-213, inclusive, of the Economic Development Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended (the “Tax Increment Financing Act”), and consistent with the provisions of CR-062-2024, adopted by the County Council of Prince George’s County, Maryland (the “County Council”) on November 19, 2024 (the “Formation Resolution”), in an amount not to exceed the aggregate principal amount of Seventeen Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($17,500,000), in order for Prince George’s County, Maryland (the “County”) to finance or reimburse, in accordance with the Tax Increment Financing Act, costs related to the construction and installation of certain infrastructure improvements, as more particularly described herein, and to pay certain costs of issuing such bonds; ratifying and confirming the designation of thintroduced  Action details Video Video
CB-065-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING LAND BANK AUTHORITY OF PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY for the purpose of amending the Prince George’s County Code to establish the Land Bank Authority of Prince George’s County in accordance with the Annotated Maryland Code to acquire, manage, maintain, and repurpose blighted, abandoned, and distressed properties in Prince George’s County and have other powers and authority conferred by Maryland law upon land banks generally.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-073-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING NOISE CONTROL for the purpose of clarifying the County noise policy; providing for a certain definition; providing for maximum allowable noise levels; repealing waivers and certain regulations and fees for noise level and noise disturbance standards for construction; repealing certain exceptions; providing for certain exemptions; providing for increased penalties; providing for changes for certain civil citation; providing for the issuance of regulations establishing the equipment and techniques used to measure vibrations effective on a certain date; and generally regarding noise control.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-077-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING WOODLAND AND WILDLIFE HABITAT CONSERVATION ORDINANCE for the purpose of revising the validity and grandfathering and notification requirements in the existing subtitle; and generally regarding woodland and wildlife habitat conservation.amended (1)Pass Action details Video Video
CB-077-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING WOODLAND AND WILDLIFE HABITAT CONSERVATION ORDINANCE for the purpose of revising the validity and grandfathering and notification requirements in the existing subtitle; and generally regarding woodland and wildlife habitat conservation.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-080-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING THE VACANT REAL PROPERTIES TAX RATE for the purpose of establishing a real property tax rate for real properties consisting of vacant houses/buildings or improved property cited as vacant and unfit for habitation or other authorized use on a housing or building violation notice.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-081-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING COMMUNITY INFORMED POLICE TRAINING for the purpose of creating a collaboration in the recruitment of police cadets and police training among the Prince George’s County Police Department, local educational institutions and Prince George’s County based non-profit organizations that have been working on police reform and criminal justice issues.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-083-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING VEHICLE LAW - NOISE ABATEMENT MONITORING SYSTEMS - PILOT PROGRAM for the purpose of establishing a pilot program to authorize the use of noise abatement monitoring systems in Prince George’s County, to enforce certain motor vehicle noise requirements; and generally relating to the use of noise abatement monitoring systems.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-084-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING STOP SIGN MONITORING SYSTEMS - SCHOOL ZONES - AUTHORIZATION For the purpose of authorizing and implementing the use of stop sign monitoring systems on State and local highways located in Prince George’s County in a school zone to record violations of State law requiring obedience to stop signs pursuant to Md. Code Transportation Article Section 21-707, made a part hereof and set forth wholly within this Act; making this Act an emergency bill; providing for the effective date of this Act; providing for the adoption of this Act; and other related provisions to the use and enforcement of stop sign monitoring systems in Prince George’s County.amended (1)Pass Action details Video Video
CB-084-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING STOP SIGN MONITORING SYSTEMS - SCHOOL ZONES - AUTHORIZATION For the purpose of authorizing and implementing the use of stop sign monitoring systems on State and local highways located in Prince George’s County in a school zone to record violations of State law requiring obedience to stop signs pursuant to Md. Code Transportation Article Section 21-707, made a part hereof and set forth wholly within this Act; making this Act an emergency bill; providing for the effective date of this Act; providing for the adoption of this Act; and other related provisions to the use and enforcement of stop sign monitoring systems in Prince George’s County.amended (2)Pass Action details Video Video
CB-084-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING STOP SIGN MONITORING SYSTEMS - SCHOOL ZONES - AUTHORIZATION For the purpose of authorizing and implementing the use of stop sign monitoring systems on State and local highways located in Prince George’s County in a school zone to record violations of State law requiring obedience to stop signs pursuant to Md. Code Transportation Article Section 21-707, made a part hereof and set forth wholly within this Act; making this Act an emergency bill; providing for the effective date of this Act; providing for the adoption of this Act; and other related provisions to the use and enforcement of stop sign monitoring systems in Prince George’s County.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-086-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING ABANDONED VEHICLES for the purpose of providing for the prohibition of abandoning vehicles within the County under certain circumstances; providing for certain increased fines; providing for certain increased penalties; and generally regarding towing of abandoned vehicles.amended (1)Pass Action details Video Video
CB-086-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING ABANDONED VEHICLES for the purpose of providing for the prohibition of abandoning vehicles within the County under certain circumstances; providing for certain increased fines; providing for certain increased penalties; and generally regarding towing of abandoned vehicles.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-088-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING MINIMUM WAGE INDEXING for the purpose of indexing Prince George’s County’s minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index.amended (1)Pass Action details Video Video
CB-088-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING MINIMUM WAGE INDEXING for the purpose of indexing Prince George’s County’s minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index.introduced  Action details Not available
CB-096-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY for the purpose of adding classes of work to the Classification Plan of the County.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-098-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING BUSINESSES AND LICENSES - SHOPPING CART CONTROL for the purpose of keeping shopping carts out of communities by requiring retail businesses to label and equip shopping carts with control devices; imposing penalties on non-complaint businesses; providing for appeals of such penalties; and authorizing the promulgation of implementing regulations.amended (1)Pass Action details Video Video
CB-098-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING BUSINESSES AND LICENSES - SHOPPING CART CONTROL for the purpose of keeping shopping carts out of communities by requiring retail businesses to label and equip shopping carts with control devices; imposing penalties on non-complaint businesses; providing for appeals of such penalties; and authorizing the promulgation of implementing regulations.amended (2)Pass Action details Video Video
CB-098-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING BUSINESSES AND LICENSES - SHOPPING CART CONTROL for the purpose of keeping shopping carts out of communities by requiring retail businesses to label and equip shopping carts with control devices; imposing penalties on non-complaint businesses; providing for appeals of such penalties; and authorizing the promulgation of implementing regulations.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-103-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING SUPPLEMENTARY APPROPRIATIONS for the purpose of declaring the reallocation of agency appropriations in the General Fund to assist in the fiscal year end closing process for the Approved Fiscal Year 2024 Budget.introduced  Action details Video Video
CB-109-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING SOLID WASTE ADVISORY COMMISSION COMPOSITION for the purpose of amending the Solid Waste Advisory Commission by revising the number of appointed members serving on the Commission; reestablishing the process for appointments to the Commission; and generally related to the appointments of the Solid Waste Advisory Commission.introduced and referred  Action details Video Video
CB-007-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING THE REVISED ELDERLY PROPERTY TAX CREDIT for the purpose of revising the current elderly property tax credit to make its applicability exclusive of and separate and distinct from the Homestead and Maryland Homeowner’s Property Tax Credit.amended (1)Pass Action details Video Video
CB-007-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING THE REVISED ELDERLY PROPERTY TAX CREDIT for the purpose of revising the current elderly property tax credit to make its applicability exclusive of and separate and distinct from the Homestead and Maryland Homeowner’s Property Tax Credit.Clerk directed to schedule public hearing  Action details Video Video
CB-072-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING REGULATION OF INVASIVE BAMBOO for the purpose of regulating invasive bamboo, and generally relating to the regulation of invasive bamboo.introduced  Action details Not available
CB-082-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING COMMERCIAL PROPERTY STANDARDS for the purpose of prohibiting framing lights in commercial storefronts to reduce the harmful effects of light pollution on Prince George’s County residents and neighborhoods; and providing for certain fines for non-compliance.introduced  Action details Not available
CB-092-2024 2 Council BillAN EMERGENCY ACT CONCERNING COUNTY COUNCIL SPECIAL PRIMARY ELECTIONS AND SPECIAL GENERAL ELECTIONS for the purpose of providing for a special primary election and special general election to fill a vacancy on the County Council; providing for the adoption of a certain Resolution regarding a certain vacancy; providing for certain dates for a special primary election and a special general election; providing for a certain conduct of elections pursuant to State law; providing for a ballot by petition; providing for the nomination of candidates of non-principal political parties; repealing a certain candidate statement; providing for references to the voting for an At-Large seat; providing for references to the Local Board of Elections; providing for references to special primary elections and special general elections; making this Act an emergency bill; providing for the effective date of this Act; providing for the adoption of this Act; and generally regarding special primary elections and special general elections in Prince George’s County.introduced  Action details Not available
CB-093-2024 2 Council BillAN EMERGENCY ACT CONCERNING COUNTY EXECUTIVE SPECIAL PRIMARY ELECTIONS AND SPECIAL GENERAL ELECTIONS for the purpose of providing for a special primary election and special general election to fill a vacancy in the Office of the County Executive; providing for the adoption of a certain Resolution regarding a certain vacancy; providing for certain dates for a special primary election and a special general election; providing for the removal of a prohibition on a special primary election and special general election from being held at a certain time; requiring certain provisions for ballot by petition and nomination of candidates of non-principal political parties; providing for certain publication requirements; providing for the mailing of a certain specimen ballot; providing for references to special primary elections and special general elections; providing for references to the Local Board of Elections; repealing a certain candidate statement; making this Act an emergency bill; providing for the effective date of this Act; providing for the adoption of this Act; and generally regaintroduced  Action details Not available
CB-097-2024 1 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING LANDLORD-TENANT REGULATIONS - PROHIBITION OF RENT GOUGING for the purpose of preventing landlords exempt from rent stabilization regulations from raising rents excessively by capping annual increases at fifteen percent.introduced  Action details Not available
CB-106-2024 2 Council BillAN ACT CONCERNING COUNTY REAL PROPERTY for declaring certain parcels of County-owned real property as surplus and no longer needed for County use.introduced  Action details Not available

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Any user conduct that restricts or inhibits any other person from using or enjoying the services will not be permitted. Uses such as data mining, screen scraping and the use of electronic BOTS for image download are prohibited. Users that are found to be employing the previously mentioned electronic methods may be restricted on this website.

These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the State of Maryland, USA, and you agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts of Prince George’s County, State of Maryland. If any portion of these terms and conditions is deemed by a court to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, and claim or cause of action arising out of or related to the use of these services, must be filed within one year after such claim or cause of action arose.

This is an offer to provide Services, and acceptance is expressly conditioned upon your acceptance of these terms and only these terms. Your acceptance of this Agreement is demonstrated by checking the box of "I agree to the Terms of Use" in the Registration form. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between you (the user) and the County.