MIN 02042025
| 1 | | Minutes | County Council Minutes dated February 4, 2025 | | |
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| 1 | | Council Bill | AN ACT CONCERNING THE VACANT REAL PROPERTIES TAX RATE for the purpose of establishing a real property tax rate for real properties consisting of vacant houses/buildings or improved property cited as vacant and unfit for habitation or other authorized use on a housing or building violation notice. | | |
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| 1 | | Resolution | A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE REVISED ELDERLY PROPERTY TAX CREDIT for the purpose of delaying the effective date of CB-007-2024 - The Revised Elderly Property Tax Credit, and to provide the necessary time to revise CB-007-2024 and enact legislation that clarifies the senior citizens eligibility for a senior tax credit. | | |
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LTR 02112025a
| 1 | | Agenda Letter | Proposed letter to the Honorable Michael A. Jackson, Chair, Prince George’s County Senate Delegation, and the Honorable Nicole Williams, Chair, Prince George’s County House Delegation, transmitting the position of the Prince George's County Council on proposed State legislation. | | |
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LTR 02112025b
| 1 | | Agenda Letter | Proposed correspondence to The Honorable Peter A. Shapiro, Chairman, Prince George's County Planning Board, approving the request for Extension to the Timeframe for Preparation of the Port Towns Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment | | |
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LTR 02112025c
| 1 | | Agenda Letter | Proposed letter to the Honorable Tara H. Jackson, Acting County Executive, transmitting the County Council's Legislative Calendar and Appointments Schedule for 2025. | | |
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EX 02112025
| 1 | | Executive Session | Motion to convene in Executive Session pursuant to Section 3-305(b)(1), General Provisions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, in order to discuss the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation, or performance evaluation of an appointee, employee, or official over whom it has jurisdiction, specifically | | |
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