MIN 11292021a
| 1 | | Minutes | County Council Minutes dated November 29, 2021 (Part 1) | approved | |
Action details
MIN 11292021b
| 1 | | Minutes | County Council Minutes dated November 29, 2021 (Part 2) | approved | |
Action details
Not available
MIN 12072021
| 1 | | Minutes | County Council Minutes dated December 7, 2021 | approved | |
Action details
MIN 01042022
| 1 | | Minutes | County Council Minutes dated January 4, 2022 | approved | |
Action details
LTR 01112022a
| 1 | | Agenda Letter | Proposed letter to Carla Reid, CEO/General Manager, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), transmitting the Prince George's County Council's appointment of a Public Member to the WSSC Water Inspector General Appointment Committee. | authorized for Chair's signature | Pass |
Action details
LTR 01112022b
| 1 | | Agenda Letter | Proposed joint letter to the Honorable Joanne C. Benson, Chair, Prince George’s County Senate Delegation and the Honorable Nick Charles, Chair, Prince George’s County House Delegation, transmitting the County's State Legislative Priorities for the 2022 General Assembly Session.
John Erzen, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the County Executive | authorized for Chair's signature | Pass |
Action details
BR 01112022a
| 1 | | Briefing | Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) - Sewer Extension Needs for Unserved & Underserved Neighborhoods (Final Recommendations of Bi-County Infrastructure Working Group)
Carla Reid, CEO/General Manager
Keith Bell, Commission Chair
Chris Lawson, Commissioner
Joe Beach, Deputy General Manager
Ray Chicca, Development Services Division Manager
Patti Colihan, CFO
Amanda Conn, General Counsel
Jay Sakai, Consultant | Briefing held | |
Action details
BR 01112022b
| 1 | | Briefing | Re-entry Advisory Board Report/Recommendations
Judge Alexander Williams, Ret.
Walter L. Simmons, President, Employ Prince George’s
Ashley N. Sharp, Chief of Staff, Office of Calvin S. Hawkins, II, Chair of the Prince George’s County Council
Nathaniel K. Tutt, III, Director, Health, Human Services and Public Safety Committee (HHSPS) | Briefing held | |
Action details
EX 11292021
| 1 | | Executive Session | Motion to convene in Executive Session pursuant to Section 3-305(b)(1), (4) and (10) , General Provisions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, in order to discuss the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation, or performance evaluation of an appointee, employee, or official over whom it has jurisdiction, specifically to consider and discuss appointments to the WSSC OIG Appointment Committee, M-NCPPC Spending Affordability Committee, Property Tax Assessment Appeals Board, and Revenue Authority; to consider a matter related to a proposal for a business to locate, expand, or remain in the State, specifically, to discuss the status of the Wayne K. Curry Administration Building; and to discuss the implementation of emergency operations and recovery plans for Prince George’s County in response to local emergencies, finding that public discussion will constitute a risk to public safety and security. | Summary | |
Action details
Not available