AN ACT CONCERNING SUPPLEMENTARY APPROPRIATIONS for the purpose of declaring additional revenue and appropriating to the General Fund and Internal Service Fund to provide for costs that were not anticipated and included in the Approved Fiscal Year 2022 Budget.
This legislation provides supplementary appropriations in the General Fund to cover unanticipated and vital costs needed to meet year end operational requirements. The additional resources will support the following: (1) $6.1 million for the Hispanic National Law Enforcement Association (HNLEA) settlement payment in the Police Department; (2) $2 million for promotional testing in the Police Department; (3) $946,800 to support maintenance costs at the Public Safety Campus/Gun Range site under the Office of Homeland Security; and (4) $43,200 for critical accounts payable document review software in the Office of Finance. This legislation also provides for $1.2 million in additional appropriated fund balance from within the Information Technology Internal Service Fund complete the COVID Scheduling Software project. This legislation also makes two technical adjustments to CB-35-2021 to align total current expense revenues to total expenditures and to correct the description of an adjustment to other financing sources. The legislation includes the use of fund balance in the amount of $4,115,000. The Fiscal Year 2022 General Fund budget as expressed by CB-35-2021 increases the budget from $3,794,635,800 to $3,803,750,800. The overall increase in revenue totals $9,115,000. The Fiscal Year 2022 Internal Service Fund Budget as expressed by CB-35-2021 increases from $64,344,400 to $65,544,400.