A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2021 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS OF THE WASHINGTON SUBURBAN SANITARY COMMISSION AND THE RECOMMENDATION OF WATER AND SEWER RATES AND AD VALOREM TAX LEVIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 for the purpose of adopting the Fiscal Year 2021 Operating and Capital Budgets of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission and the recommended Water and Sewer Rates and Ad Valorem Tax Levies for Fiscal Year 2021.
Section 17-202 of the Public Utilities Article, of the Annotated Code of Maryland, requires the joint approval of the Prince George’s County and Montgomery County Councils for changes to the submitted WSSC operating and capital budgets. This resolution recommends that WSSC adopt a 6.0% rate increase in water and sewer rates. The joint approval of both Councils is required to increase operating expenditures above the amount approved for Fiscal Year 2021. Any changes to the Operating or Capital Budget categories, which exceed the approved categories by 5% or greater, require prior Council approval. For changes below the 5% limit, the Commission may authorize the transfer of funds between categories.
FY2021 Water and Sewer Operating Budget - $ 836,022,745
FY2021 General Bond Debt Service Operating Budget - $ 13,363,477
TOTAL FY2021 Operating Budget - $ 849,656,222
FY2021 Capital Budget - $ 605,381,887
TOTAL FY2021 Operating and Capital Budget - $ 1,455,038,109
Rate Increase - 6.0%
Water and Sewer Rate Schedule (eff.: July 1, 2020. See Appendix C)
Account Maintenance Fee - (Fee varies by meter size. See Appendix D)
Infrastructure Investment Fee - (Fee varies by meter size. See Appendix E)
SDC Fee - $203 per fixture
Water Production - 164.0 million gallons per day
Authorized Work-Years - 1,776