AN ACT CONCERNING MARYLAND-NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION for the purpose of approving the Prince George's County portion of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission budget and making appropriations and levying certain taxes for Fiscal Year 2024 for the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, pursuant to the provisions of the Land Use Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended ("Land Use Article").
This bill adopts the M-NCPPC’s operating and capital budgets for Prince George’s County for Fiscal Year 2024, and establishes the tax rates as shown below.
The total tax rate is proposed at 29.40 cents per $100 of assessed value of real property and 73.50 cents per $100 of assessed value of personal property.
Real Property Tax Rates FY 2023 FY 2024
Administration 5.66 cents 5.66 cents
Advance Land Acquisition -0- cents -0- cents
Mandatory Metropolitan District 4.00 cents 4.00 cents
Discretionary Metropolitan District 11.94 cents 11.94 cents
Recreation 7.80 cents 7.80 cents
TOTAL 29.40 cents 29.40 cents
Personal Property Tax Rates FY 2023 FY 2024
Administration 14.15 cents 14.15 cents
Advance Land Acquisition -0- cents -0- cents
Mandatory Metropolitan District 10.00 cents 10.00 cents
Discretionary Metropolitan District 29.85 cents 29.85 cents
Recreation 19.50 cents 19.50 cents
TOTAL 73.50 cents 73.50 cents
M-NCPPC (Pr. George's Co) FY24 Operating Budget
Administration Fund $70,749,403
Recreation Fund 121,515,873
Park Fund 202,346,904
Advance Land Acquisition Fund
- Debt Svc 0
Subtotal - Tax Supported Funds $394,612,180
Park Debt Service Fund $14,668,753
Special Revenue Funds 6,832,133
Enterprise Fund 15,067,047
Internal Service Funds 13,472,343
ALA Revolving Fund 302,637
Subtotal - Other Funds $50,342,913
Grand Total/Operating $444,955,093
M-NCPPC (Pr. George's Co) FY24 Cap...
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