A RESOLUTION CONCERNING CHESAPEAKE BAY CRITICAL AREA (CBCA) BOUNDARIES IN PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY for the purpose of preparing an update to the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area to comply with certain requirements imposed by State law.
The Chesapeake Bay Critical Area (CBCA) encompasses land that is within 1,000 feet of the mean high tide line of streams and rivers in the State of Maryland. In Prince George's County, the CBCA is located on the land adjacent to the tidal portions of the Anacostia, Potomac and Patuxent Rivers within an overlay zone. HB 1253 was passed in 2008 to update the boundaries of the CBCA because the boundaries have not been updated since they were originally established in the 1980s using 1972 paper maps. The process that will be used to update the map in Prince George's County is the "stand-alone" Sectional Map Amendment (SMA) process, where the SMA consists of only the map and not a master or sector plan.
The State of Maryland Chesapeake and Coastal Bays Commission staff have completed their mapping work for Prince George's County. Staff of the Prince George's Planning Department and staff from the Department of Permits, Inspections and Enforcement (DPIE) have been working together to provide input to the State of Maryland on this project.