AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING ELEEMOSYNARY OR PHILANTHROPIC INSTITUTIONS IN THE O-S AND R-E ZONE for the purpose of providing an exception to the special exception requirement for eleemosynary or philanthropic institutions in the Open Space (O-S) and Residential - Estate (R-E) Zones, under certain circumstances.
10/7/2014 - CB-70-2014 was amended on the floor as follows:
1. On Page 3, in the first sentence of Proposed Footnote 100 to Section 27-441(b)(2)(D), add "not already permitted" after "outdoor recreational facilities".
2. Revise the remaining text of Proposed Footnote 100 to Section 27-441(b)(2)(D) as follows:
(A) an aggregate of at least 85 acres in area;
(B) is split-zoned Open Space (O-S) and Residential Estate (R-E);
(C) partially outside the Growth Boundary of the County; and
(D) the eleemosynary or philanthropic institution is the title owner of the property in the land records of the County.