A RESOLUTION CONCERNING HOUSING INVESTMENT TRUST FUND (“HITF”) FOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT for the purpose of committing and allocating the amount of two million, five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) in Prince George’s County Housing Investment Trust Fund (“HITF”) Program funds to the Penn Place I project, an eligible activity, for gap financing of new affordable rental housing construction.
This legislation will approve and adopt the commitment and allocation of gap financing from the Prince George’s County Housing Investment Trust Fund (“HITF”) for Housing and Community Development to the Penn Place I project, an eligible activity, in the amount of two million, five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000).
This Council enacted CB-21-2012, as amended in CB-57-2017, to establish the Housing Investment Trust Fund in Prince George’s County, which services as a vehicle to address foreclosures and allows Prince George’s County to provide financing for projects, including but not limited to housing counseling, rental, down payment and closing cost assistance for eligible persons to retain or purchase vacant, abandoned and foreclosed properties first time homebuyers, as well as Workforce Housing Gap Financing with an emphasis on supporting the development of new construction, rehabilitation and preservation of workforce and affordable housing while targeting households earning up to 120% of the area median income (AMI).