A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2016 OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM for the purpose of approving the Capital Improvement Program of the Redevelopment Authority of Prince George's County for Fiscal Years 2016-2021, prepared pursuant to the authority contained in Subtitle 15B of the Prince George's County Code and providing comments on the proposed Operating Budget of the Authority for Fiscal Year 2016.
The Redevelopment Authority is proposing a six-year Capital Improvement Program. This resolution approves the proposed Fiscal Year 2016 Capital Budget in the amount of $1.4 million for three projects, as follows:
County Revitalization - $450,000
Glenarden Apartments Redevelopment - $625,000
Suitland Manor - $300,000
The Redevelopment Authority is required to submit its proposed Operating Budget to the Council for comments. This resolution states the Council's concurrence on the Authority's proposed FY 2016 Capital Budget of $1,375,000, and an Operating Budget of approximately $770,500.