AN ACT CONCERNING SUPPLEMENTARY APPROPRIATIONS for the purpose of declaring additional revenue and appropriating to the General Fund and Internal Service Fund to provide for costs that were not anticipated and included in the Approved Fiscal Year 2023 Budget.
This legislation provides additional appropriation authority totaling $55,493,600 in the General Fund. The additional resources will increase the Fiscal Year 2023 General Fund Budget from $4,226,635,200 to $4,282,128,800 as expressed in CB-56-2022. The legislation includes an adjustment in revenue estimates for the income tax receipts (increase of $11,400,000), use of fund balance (increase of $14,615,800) and Board of Education outside sources ($29,477,800). This legislation provides $29.5 million in supplementary appropriations in the General Fund to incorporate the FY 2023 budget reconciliation transfer request from the Board of Education (previously passed by the County Council in October 2022) and cover unanticipated and vital costs needed to meet year end operational requirements. Non-Board of Education supplemental resources supports the following operating expenses: (1) Office of the Information Technology - $3,615,700 to reimburse the Information Technology Internal Service Fund for agency technology allocation charges not received in FY 2022; anticipated fringe benefits and operating expenses; (2) Board of Elections - $150,000 for overages in their operating expenditures; (3) Office of Central Services - $1,000,000 for utility and security costs at the former Cheverly Health Center site; (4) Fire/EMS Department - $19,705,800 for anticipated overtime expenditures and anticipated fringe benefits costs; and (5) Department of the Environment - $1,544,300 for mandated improvements to the Animal Services Division. Within the Department of Housing and Community Development, there is a reallocation between compensation and fringe benefits and operating expenses due to personnel saving...
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