An Act concerning complete and green streets policy for the purpose of the establishment of a complete and green streets policy in Prince George’s County; and generally relating to the County road and sidewalk code.
An Act concerning complete and green streets policy for the purpose of the establishment of a complete and green streets policy in Prince George’s County; and generally relating to the County road and sidewalk code.
This legislation seeks to amend the County road and sidewalk code to establish a complete and green streets policy in the County. In May 2012 the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government’s National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board adopted a Complete Street policy and template for member jurisdictions to adopt or update their respective policies to safely accommodate motorized and non-motorized users in public right of ways.
11/23/2012: CB-83-2012 (DR-2) was amended on the floor prior to introduction as follows:
On page 6, starting on line 17, after "include", add "environmental site design and".
CB-83-2012 (DR-3) was introduced.