AN ACT CONCERNING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY for the purpose of amending class titles and grades, restructuring two class series, adding classes of work and abolishing certain classes of work.
This Bill is submitted pursuant to Section 903 of Article IX of the Prince George’s County Charter, and Section 16-125(a) of the Prince George’s County Code. The Office of Human Resources Management conducted an organizational study for the Fingerprint Assistant and Fingerprint Specialist class series. It was determined that the Fingerprint Specialist series should be retitled and assigned to higher grades and the Fingerprint Assistant series should be abolished. Additionally, the Quality Assurance Analyst and Budget Aide class series also warranted changes in the titles to more accurately reflect the positions. The Weapons Instructor I/II positions are being added to reflect the Police Civilian Employees Association collective bargaining unit, and the Master HVAC Technician and Polygraph Examiner positions are being added because they are needed classes of work. The Associate Director, Health Department and the State’s Attorney Investigator classes should be abolished because an Associate Director and Investigator class of work already exists. The Switchboard Operator class should be abolished because the class is no longer being used. Finally, the Correctional Officer Lieutenant, Captain and Major should be removed from the General Schedule. Correctional Officer Lieutenant is currently represented by the Prince George's Correctional Officers’ Association and included in Salary Schedule D, which is applicable to employees covered by that union. The Correctional Officer Captain and Major are included in the Corrections Officials - Salary Schedule C-O.
A fiscal impact will be provided by the Office of Management and Budget.